Grupo Cataratas

We redefine people’s relationship with nature.

The Cataratas Group

Through transformative experiences and positive impact, we redefine people’s relationship with nature to generate greater conservation awareness.

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EcoNoronha is responsible for providing services and all the necessary support for an unforgettable public visitation. The Park offers accessible and organized contact with nature, allowing visitors to marvel at the landscapes of places like Praia do Sancho, twice elected as the most beautiful beach in the world.


Education, conservation, and research form the sustainable DNA of the Cataratas Group. This goes far beyond the concept that relates to daily actions of nature conservation practices. We seek to understand how our guidelines focused on the environment, society, and the economy can become sustainable over the years. That is, how can we ensure that our practices yield benefits for future generations?

Ator Babu Santana e sua família

Abertura da Hello Kitty Parade: Influenciadores e Celebridades Mergulham na Fofura no AquaRio

Celebridades e Influenciadores Brilham na Abertura da Hello Kitty Parade no AquaRio! No dia 9 de janeiro, o AquaRio teve ...

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