Through informative signage and guided tours led by trained educators, we work to ensure that our circuits provide information in a language that inspires the next generations to carry on our legacy of positive impact. We aim to develop their environmental awareness while they have fun at our attractions.
We take pride in participating in over 50 scientific research projects conducted in recent years, in collaboration with major institutions such as UFRJ, Onças do Iguaçu, and Refauna.
This is the instrument that enables us to sustain the pillars of education, research, and conservation. By providing transformative experiences to our guests through Sustainable Tourism, we amplify the legacy of positive impact we aim to leave for the planet.
With this daily commitment, we continue to carry forward the proposal of conserving species and ecosystems in Brazil and around the world.

Animal Rescue:
Part of the AquaRio squad comes from rescuing trafficked animals. Recently, the Aquarium Marinho do Rio received a medal and a letter of thanks from the authorities, for hosting more than a thousand marine animals recovered in the so-called Poseidon operation.

Reintroduction of Species:
All these actions provide the readjustment of these ecosystems and, consequently, allow the release of some animal species back in their natural habitats.

Each seedling planted is a hope that is renewed: this is the thought that guides each of the planting actions in national parks, urban and coastal areas, always including ambassadors, family members and partners as part of these unique moments.

Guararapes Football Club:
Like the cooperative, the project to include around 80 children and young people in sports receives support in setting goals, in addition to processing documentation, publicizing, transporting and financing material for participation in competitions.

Jaguarete beer:
Part of the proceeds from Jaguarete Beer, available at the Marco das Três Fronteiras food outlets, is directed to the Knowing to Save Institute, as well as a percentage of the proceeds from exclusive products sold at the store in the Iguaçu National Park.